Rushmore Press LLC a Hybrid Publisher in Las Vegas

August 20 02:18 2021

Las Vegas, Nevada – Rushmore Press LLC gears its publishing related services by combining the traditional and self-publishing ways for all inspiring authors.

There’s not one talented individual that can’t be found and developed in Las Vegas!

Rushmore Press as Hybrid Publisher

Whether you’re a first-time or a Rushmore Press Book established author, this service is for your advantage.

Traditional publishing has always been the method everyone is accustomed to. From going through different agencies and or personalities just to get your book through and selling on shelves. Self-publishing is another way to get your book published the way you want it at your own expense. From a personalized or customized book cover, or finding the means or ways to market it.

A mix of both is what Rushmore Press LLC is most proud of. Finding the right balance that fits the author’s best interest for their book. Giving you the final say of the important elements you want for your book minus the grunt work. This gives you an ample amount of time to focus more on things that matter like work and others.

Rushmore Press A Literary Agency in Las Vegas

Rushmore Press has stood the test of time as it has published over countless books from aspiring authors with its team of publishing experts. Over the years of its operations, Rushmore Press LLC has created a channel that is a mix of both traditional and digital platforms for every reader to choose. It has embraced the challenges of the times as it continually publishes authors’ works with Rushmore Press Books.

Rushmore Press also worked alongside its widely trusted media organizations for almost two decades. With Rushmore Press Media LLC, authors get connected with more readers searching on different platforms.

The Submission Process of Rushmore Press

The submission process is an easy way to get you started on your journey. Here’s how:

1. Submit manuscript for a book review. Your submission will be determined by Rushmore Press’s literary advisory as to what genre your book will qualify based on the company’s target genre and market.

2. Rushmore Press will have the manuscript checked by its affiliated reviewer’s ensuring its literary agent’s expectations are met.

3. Your work is then endorsed to the literary experts and the marketing team to plan, implement, and execute the launching and selling of your book.

4. The final proposal and other important matters, such as royalties, will be discussed thereafter.

Once your book is ready for publishing, Rushmore Press LLC ensures to deliver your passionate work into best-selling readers favorites.

Media Contact
Company Name: Rushmore Press LLC
Contact Person: Danie John Gumalo
Email: Send Email
City: Las Vegas
State: Nevada
Country: United States